Join us for a visit to historic Roebling, New Jersey for a guided walking tour of the gardens of some of the residences. Roebling is the company town that John A. Roebling Sons built to house its steel plant and those who worked there. The Roebling Company was the nation’s supplier of wire rope to build the nation’s suspension bridges, one of the first being the Brooklyn Bridge. The Roebling wire rope factory was located in Trenton and employed over 7000 people. In the early 20th Century, to satisfy the company’s need for expansion, the Roebling’s purchased hundreds of acres of beautiful farmland 10 miles south of Trenton on the banks of the Delaware River. Here the company built a steel plant, housing for the workers, stores and recreational facilities. The steel plant is “long gone,” but the town remains quaint and vibrant. Many of the current residents are descended from the original Roebling workers.. To register for this wonderful trip, please make check payable to “Joe Teti” and place it in the QUEST mailbox in the Clubhouse NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7. Cost includes admission to Roebling Museum. Lunch on your own (City of Bordentown recommended) Your reservation will be acknowledged. Questions?