The clubs below are open to all residents. If you would like to become a member of one of these committees and/or clubs, please contact the committee or club chairperson. The Traditions Reference Guide, which is distributed monthly to residents via email, contains the names and contact information for all chairpersons.
Bridge - Duplicate
Meets Monday nights at 6:30 PM. Chairperson is Mike Ahern. Let us know if you want to play or need a partner.
Residents participate in Spring, Summer and Fall Bocce leagues. All residents are encouraged to join and play. Please contact Joe Linus for details. Anyone interested in practicing can use the Bocce balls located in the box next to the court. All the equipment needed to play, keep score, and measure distance is in the box. Simply return everything to the box when finished. The rules of play are posted courtside.

Book Club
The Book Club meets once a month from September through June on the fourth week of the the month. The books for discussion, as well as the time and date, are always listed in the newsletter. If you would like more information, please contact Dolores Mita.
Canasta Club
Canasta meets Wednesday at 12:15 PM at the clubhouse. Players and beginners are welcome. Please contact Barbara Friedman if you are interested in playing canasta or Sandy Feldman if you want to learn how to play.
Creative Chefs
Creative Chefs meets several times a year. Varied programs may include seasonal pot luck luncheons, restaurant visits to sample ethnic cuisines, and other destinations of interest to cooks and food lovers. Please contact Ruth Kunes for information.
Fitness Classes
Fitness classes are ongoing and each session is announced in the newsletter and is posted on the Clubhouse Bulletin Board. Sign up sheets are available in the Clubhouse. Contact Lynn West for further information
The Galavanters embark on excursions to places of interest in the surrounding area. Dates vary to accommodate special occasions. Announcements for upcoming events are published in the newsletter. Call Margrith Egli if you would like more information and if you would like to add your name to her list.
Game Night
Golf – Ladies
Ladies golf normally plays on Tuesdays at various courses in the area. If you are interested, please e-mail or call Barb Gontkof.
Golf – Men
The Traditions Men’s Golf Club plays, weather permitting, every Tuesday and Thursday from April through November. We typically play at the better public courses in the area, e.g., Makefield Highlands and 5 Ponds in Pennsylvania and Heron Glen and the Mercer County courses in New Jersey. We also play at private and semi-private courses as the opportunity arises. Handicaps within the group generally range from 10 to 25. Contacts: Rich Berkley and Bob Lambert.
The Library Committee maintains the Clubhouse Library and updates the bookshelves twice a year. Books donations are to be placed in the container located at the left of the entrance to the Library. Books must be in excellent condition with no yellowed or torn pages. We encourage you to visit our library, browse through the books, sit quietly and read, or borrow a book to take home. If you have any questions, please contact Dolores Mita.
Mah Jongg
Mah Jongg is an ancient Chinese tile game that is similar to playing cards. The club meets every Thursday at 9:30 AM in the Clubhouse. All are welcome to play, come for lessons or to brush up. Asian Mah Jongg is played Mondays at 12:30 PM. For further information, please call Barbara Friedman.
Men’s Gathering
The Men’s Gathering conducts various events throughout the year: Dinners at restaurants, tailgate parties, TV football game parties, etc. Notice of events are published in the newsletter and fliers are distributed to the entire community. Contact Michael Faeder for information.
The Pickleball club plays on a regular basis weather permitting. Times vary according to the season. Check the schedule posted at the courts. All residents and guests are welcome. Please call Joe Linus if you have any questions. Anyone interested in practicing can use the Pickleball equipment and nets located next to the court. All the equipment needed to play is the box. Simply return everything to the box when finished. The rules of play are posted courtside.

The Poker club meets every Thursday night at 7:30 PM in the Clubhouse. All are welcome. Please call Alan Gordon if you have any questions.
Quest for Knowledge Club
If you are interested in acquiring knowledge about a variety of subjects, you will enjoy Traditions Quest for Knowledge Club, which meets monthly for presentationsin the Club House or group outings to local venues. Check the Traditions Newsletter for the Quest presentations and club outings. We welcome all residents to join us in our quest. For more information contact Wendie Lapidus.

Quilters' Club
The Quilters' Club meets the second Thursday of the month at 1:00 PM. Gather up those unfinished sewing projects or bring your finished projects for show and tell and spend an enjoyable afternoon with us. Contact Betty Hancock for information.
Stitch and Bitch
If you would like to join our Stitch and Bitch group to work on your current project, or if you want to start a new project and enjoy an afternoon with friends, join us on the third Wednesday of the month at 1 pm. Contact Margrith Egli for more information.
Technology Club
Keep up with your grandkids. Learn about technologies, both new and old. Look for eBlasts announcing meeting topics. If you would like more information contact David Horowitz. The club normally meets the first Thursday of every month at 7 PM in the Clubhouse Ballroom.
There is a sign-up sheet at the tennis courts bulletin board with a list of Traditions tennis players. Put together your singles or doubles and enjoy your tennis. If you have any suggestions for future group activities, contact Jerry Gilbert.
Water Aerobics
Water Aerobics classes are given every Mon, Wed, Fri and Sat at 9:00 AM. Emphasis is on building strength, cardio conditioning, balance, and posture. Water weights are used and classes are set to lively music. All are welcome and the classes are free! Please contact Sharon Grissinger with any questions.