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Book Club: The Good Girls Revolt
Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 02:00pm - 04:00pm
Contact : Delores Mita
Location : Clubhouse Billiards Room

Reviewer: Karen DiGiorgio

Journalist Lynn Povich began her career with Newsweek in the mid-’60s at the magazine’s Paris
bureau. She served as a secretary, photo researcher, telex operator and occasionalreporter.In 1975,she
became the first female senior editor in the magazine’s history. In The Good Girls
Revolt, she chronicles the five-year legal battle that she and the women of
Newsweek waged against the company, laying the groundwork for women’s
advancement at the publication and in other careers in the areas of journalism, law
and society.
Povich’sin-depth research, narrative skills and eyewitness observations provide an
entertaining and edifying look at a pivotal event in women’s history.


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