USvoters go to the polls, Nov.8, to choose their member of Congress; 36 states will elect governors; 35 states will elect US senators. In addition, thousands of state legislators will be elected as well as thousands of local municipal officials.
Dr. Ben Dworkin, founder and director of Rowan University’s Institute for Public Policy and Citizenship will return to Traditions to analyze the election as to who won and whywith the emphasis on WHY?
Dr. Dworkin is a graduate of Princeton University and received his M. A. and PhD from Rutgers University. He has built a reputation as one of New Jersey’s most insightfulpolitical analysts. He has appeared on numerous network and cable news shows and is frequently quoted by all New Jersey’s major newspapers and radio stations, as wellas The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today and The Los AngelesTimes.
Dworkin’s non-partisan, objective discourse will delve deeply into the results and showwhere the nation is going over the next few years.